Gives you the authority to defy laws or new referendums redefining marriage by any authority who tries to enforce it. All People and faiths, especially Christians, are obligated to defy any verdict against Natural Law.
No township, no city, no county, no state, no government, no governor, no king, no leader, no nation anywhere in the world can pass a law against Natural Law that any man anywhere has to obey.

On May 22, 2015, Ireland became the first nation in the world by popular vote to legalize perverted, abominable false civil unions, masking them as marriage.
A Letter to Ireland:
The American flag stands at half-staff in the United States of America. Not for America. But for the death of the nation of Ireland. Ireland is the first nation in the world that has voted by popular vote for perverted, abominable false unions, masking them as marriage—what cannot be, what is impossible to be. The majority have voted to defy natural law which is nature’s law, which is Divine Law—a Christian nation who has defied its God, who now brings, not a judgement from God, but a self-inflicted judgement upon themselves by rejecting God. God withdraws where His Law and ways are rejected, turning man over to himself. History has shown that those who think they can continue without God, cannot and will not. It is a lesson from history and a principle of Scripture that cannot be avoided. “Coronating” Ireland to satan by this act opens the door to a Pandora’s box of all sorts of maladies. Israel’s history shows this, as when the Assyrians were placed over them, crushing them, grinding them down for a long period of great suffering until they continually cried out to God in repentance. We have various satanic forces, such as ISIS, who are in the position to take power as the Assyrians did, who can be given authority over those nations who shamelessly adopt perversion and sin as something noble.
Ireland, you will find out how wrong you are for this and shamefully, for all of us, the biggest sign of this is the weakness of the clergy who abandoned the flock, who have spoken in weakness and with weak actions, leaning towards compassion for the sin and semi-toleration instead of indignation, all the while thinking they love the sinner. Many of these poor wretched souls will be confined to perdition because of shepherds not aggressively confronting and rooting out this sin. Woe, Woe, Woe is the future for Ireland and woe is the future especially for the shepherds in the pulpits as well. All must pray for those good and downtrodden sheep of Ireland who are mourning the death of their nation. You, as Christians, are Ireland’s only hope for resurrection from its vote of death.
In the Hope for Ireland,
Natural Law and

The Death of a Nation…
Why all people and especially true Christian Citizens everywhere are not Obligated to Obey the New Marriage Law, but Rather are Obligated to Defy It.
By Natural Law and
The following will give you the understanding of why no township, no city, no county, no state, no government, no governor, no king, no leader, no nation anywhere in the world can pass a law against Natural Law that any man anywhere has to obey. To begin understanding and teaching these truths, first read the following
Before Understanding Natural Law—First a History Lesson:
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States of America. During his presidency, Abraham Lincoln told his fellow countrymen to come back to the Declaration of Independence that gave birth to the United States of America, 11 years before the U.S. Constitution was written! Lincoln did not say, come back to the Constitution. If it was necessary to come back to the Declaration 100 years after the Constitution was ratified in Lincoln’s time, why then would it be different for us in our present 2015 crisis? It is by the craft of satan, with his master intellect, that the courts, over the last 60 years, divorced the Constitution from the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration is the conscience for the Constitution. The Constitution will not hold the course as a stand alone document as the Declaration of Independence did for 11 years before the U.S. Constitution existed. By standing alone as a document, divorced from the Declaration, judges become the conscience of the Constitution, with the Declaration no longer fulfilling that role. This is illegal. The Founding Fathers foresaw the possibility of this happening and were gravely concerned because, even with all the checks and balances they instituted, if judges began overstepping their bounds, it would mean death to the republic. It is in this way that satan is attempting to steal our nation from the Divine Creator Who was given sovereignty over the United States of America from its inception. The more Christians will educate themselves and teach their children, their families and their friends these truths, the sooner our nation will be healed.
The prince of darkness, satan, hates a document which first declared independence from an earthly kingdom, England, and then secondly, declared dependence upon God. In this way, the Declaration of Independence was a dual declaration. A primary reason of importance for minusing out the Declaration when interpreting the Constitution is to get away from the words “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” In this phrase, the Fathers of our nation found the legal basis for separation from England. But what do these words mean? To find their true meaning, we must look past the degradation of present word definitions to the original definitions as understood by the United States Founding Fathers. These are the only valid meanings, which can be applied today.
Again, do not only read, but learn the following to unite people seeking truth to confront untruth, the truth will unite and divide. Simply by reading this pamphlet, others will join with you to confront untruth, building up a body of people to defeat civil abominable unions, both through prayer and actions. What follows is the result of much prayer to explain in a brief, simple way what many do not fully grasp or realize.
The Fathers of the United States of America were greatly influenced by the writings of Englishman, Sir William Blackstone. From Blackstone, the Fathers of our nation fashioned the ideas of liberty and placed them in the language we are familiar with in the Declaration of Independence. However, truth always trails back to the source of truth, which is public revelation, known as the Holy Scripture. Therefore, Blackstone was hardly the originator of such ideas, as these concepts were being defined within the Church even before the Magna Carta came into being in the early part of the 13th century. By the 16th century, two centuries before the Declaration of Independence was written, a Jesuit priest by the name of Fr. Francisco Suarez was “the chief champion of the rights of the people” who fought against the doctrine that kings were kings by “divine rights.” Prominent Church leaders also echoed these doctrines in the same century.
It is from Blackstone’s writings that the words and understanding of the laws of nature and of nature’s God, written in the U.S. Declaration, were taken. Laws of Nature (or Nature’s Laws) are laws God made which apply to Creation. Laws of gravity, for example, cannot be changed. God created matter and marked it with certain principles that it can never deviate from. Vegetation and animal life are governed by the same laws and they must follow these laws involuntarily to exist. And so, the first part of that phrase as written in the Declaration, “the laws of nature,” are laws that are characterized by a rule of action dictated by some Superior Being. Blackstone called them involuntary laws of governance. The second part of the phrase as written in the Declaration, “laws of nature’s God,” pertain to God’s Holy Word, the Sacred Scriptures. Blackstone said:
The doctrine thus delivered (by God) we call the revealed or Divine Law, and they are to be found only in the Holy Scripture. These precepts, when revealed…(when compared to nature are) a part of the original Law of Nature.” 1
From the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature’s God, we arrive at what is the revealed Natural Law. Natural law is law that man declares in submission to “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” Laws of creation (Nature’s Law) and God’s revealed law, the Scriptures (of Nature’s God) are superior to natural law because they are declared by God, Himself, while man’s law (natural law) is only the human reasoning of what we imagine the Divine Law to be. Nature’s Law, together with God’s Law of Revelation, Holy Scripture, are the foundations by which Blackstone said, “depends all human law,” which is Natural Law. 2 This might sound confusing, but it is important to fully grasp the previous statement before reading further, so reread if necessary beginning on above with the words, “The Fathers of the United States of America were greatly influenced...” Reread until you understand. This will enable you to understand what follows.
Nature’s Law + God’s Revealed Law = Natural Law. Natural law applies equally (equal station) to everyone upon the face of the earth. The Declaration of Independence states: “(the) equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” Therefore, there can be no law made upon the earth by anyone or any nation that any man anywhere is bound to obey when the law is against natural law. (Ireland’s new law is invalid and everyone is obligated to defy it.) To obey laws against natural law puts us in transgression against Divine Law and, therefore, the law is invalid and is to be defied as if it doesn’t exist, because there is no basis for it to be. All law is to be based on God’s law or it is invalid.* Therefore, the “authority” for human law is derived from nature’s laws and nature’s God, from which, Blackstone said, “depends all human law.” By this authority, Pope Benedict XVI communicated to citizens of Spain who work in adoption agencies, that they are to defy Spain’s new laws of illicit, perverted, abominable unions and granting adoptions and refuse to fill out any paperwork or grant adoption of children to illicit and unnatural perverted unions, masked as marriage.3 Spain’s new laws are against nature and nature’s God, and therefore, against natural law and have no authority. Therefore, Spain’s citizens are obliged to defy them. They would not be disobeying, since the law disobeys natural law. No human law against natural law is valid. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
“The natural law is written and engraved in the soul of each and every man, because it is human reason ordaining him to do good and forbidding him to sin...But this command of human reason would not have the force of law if it were not the voice and interpreter of a higher reason to which our spirit and our freedom must be submitted.”4
“The natural law is immutable and permanent throughout the variations of history; it subsists under the flux of ideas and customs and supports their progress...Even when it is rejected in its very principles, it cannot be destroyed or removed from the heart of man. It always rises again in the life of individuals and societies.” 5
Something new must rise up by the hand of God, just as Christ rose from the tomb. Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI said at the Fourteenth Station—Jesus is buried in the tomb—in the Coliseum in Rome on Good Friday, 2006:
“Faith is truly a little lamp, yet it is the only lamp that can light up the night of the world: and its lowly light blends with the light of a new day…so the story does not end with the tomb, instead it bursts forth from the tomb…it happened and it will happen again!” 6
Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Rush, sat next to John Adams in Congress when the Declaration was read. Rush whispered to him, asking if he thought they would succeed in their struggle with England. Adams answered, “Yes—if we fear God and repent of our sins.” 7
It is Time to Rise Up,
Natural Law and
Pass this pamphlet out all across the country to teach the truth to yourselves and to others. You are given permission to take this brochure to a printer and have it printed! As long as it is printed in its entirety and is not altered in any way, any quantity is allowable. You are encouraged to have them printed and spread them into the hundreds of thousands.
“Marriage is barred to everyone other than one man and one woman. It is exclusive. It is an exclusionary covenant. Marriage is discriminatory by its very nature, by Natural Law. It cannot be changed. Therefore, we will discriminate.”
Natural Law and
June 8, 2015 A.D.
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* God, of course, grants liberty to man to make civil law that is left up to man’s reason, such as how much to import, limits of speed when driving, etc. These are defined rules of conduct that we are obligated to obey. But even these laws are derived from the authority of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
1. William Blackstone, “Of the Nature of Laws in General,” Our Legal Heritage, Foundation for Moral Law, Inc., November 2003, p. 15.
2. Ibid., p. 15.
3. “Vatican Condemns Spain Bill,” BBC News, April 22, 2005,
4. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Edition (1994), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, p. 474.
5. Ibid., p. 475.
6. Archbishop Angelo Comastri, “Way of the Cross of Pope Benedict XVI”, for Good Friday, 2006, 14th Station, Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff.
7. Benjamin Rush, Letters of Benjamin Rush, L.H. Butterfield, editor (New Jersey: American Philosophical Society, 1951),
Vol. I, to John Adams on February 24, 1790, p. 532–536.